Calendar query

We have a reader question.

“Where does one get a nice, simple wall calendar a bit like the one in the top bar of myfriendshouse? Been googling but getting things like this:”

Post office calendar

Well, my poncey answer is that I actually like the bald style of these calendars. My friend works at the Beeb and her work one is like this, and cool. But, as a stationery nerd, I’ve been happy to try to round up something as you describe. It wasn’t easy! Maybe I should set up a calendar business. I think the best one is this from Present & Correct. Follow the link for more lovely pictures to perv at. They shoot their stock so nicely.

Index card calendar

Or failing that, this one cost £1.25 in the corner shop:

Shri Lankan calendar

4 Responses to “Calendar query”

  1. baby style file
    January 17, 2013 at 10:59 am #

    not quite as simple but this one by Mibo is also rather good (and free to download) oh and don’t forget Muji…

  2. debra finn
    January 17, 2013 at 11:13 am # this one is rather nice but not from the UK.

  3. Susan Taylor
    January 17, 2013 at 10:07 pm #

    I am going to buy a plain calendar which has a nice gap at the top with nothing in it leaving a prime area for sketching what you will every month. This is what I say I am going to do, but I have left it so late I will end up with a ‘Cats In Floral Hats’ calendar, or worse, the ones with babies dressed up as plants. There will be no joy in date checking with that tacked to the wall so goodbye birthdays, holidays and possibly even Christmas.

    • myfriendshouse
      January 18, 2013 at 10:31 am #

      Em, I think you’ll find that Cats In Floral Hats is big news right now. x

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