
Avoir du pain sur la planche

Which roughly translated means to have a lot on one’s plate. My Mum and Dad came to visit today, on the way back from their French hangout, and they brought news of the house that my cousin and her husband have bought there.

French shutters

What a handsome beast. They’re keeping a blog about their progress, which has started with painting all those shutters <does that French gesture of waving hand while blowing out of side of mouth>. The house has recently been used as a sort of hostel for adventure holidays (I think) and so the inside needs a lot of work.

victorian french bath

They’re both super-sleuths for stylish junk and handy too, so they’re more than up to it. I think they’ve got their eye on this for something. If you fancy following a big project from the comfort of your armchair check out their blog, here. Bon Chance family!

One Response to “Avoir du pain sur la planche”

  1. glamgluttonrous Glutton
    October 14, 2011 at 11:55 am #

    What a fabulous looking place. One of our friends is about to embark on a renovation of this magnitude in France, I’ll have to forward the link to him. A trouble shared and all that!, GG

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