An Ikea Monkey of my own

Do you remember my fantasy about buying up those outsider art pieces inspired by the monkey left behind in Ikea? Well my kind and talented friend spent his weekend recreating one of them for me, and here it is hanging in Margate.

Ikea monkey painting

I tried to take a selfie in the mirror of me looking quite like Ikea Monkey, with the painting in the background, but it didn’t fly. So instead here is another glimpse of the weekend – the view over Margate Winter Gardens from the bed*. What a weekend.

rainbow margate winter gardens

*Excuse the gull shit – the windows are very high up and don’t open easily. Think of it as adding a bit of context.

2 Responses to “An Ikea Monkey of my own”

  1. Sheepskins Fairylights
    May 13, 2014 at 8:30 am #

    Brilliant! Great view too! 🙂

  2. Sustainable Furniture
    May 15, 2014 at 2:30 pm #

    Love it and as said – love the view, love a rainbow 🙂

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