A walrus writes…

As anyone who’s every heard me waffling for more than minutes will know, I’m not big on The Beatles – much prefer John and Yoko. But this I’m now addicted to.

Beatles Abbey Road cover

My Zumba class (my three word Zumba class review? Hastening knee replacement) is near Abbey Road, and I’ve stood outside the tube and witnessed a constant stream of people slowly crossing back and forth while their mate takes their photo. Well now, thanks to the hideously addictive PassiveAggressiveNotes.com I’ve discovered that the crossing has its own webcam.

Abbey Road webcam

If checking it out doesn’t sound like fun, believe me, it is. Click on it and before you know it hours will have passed as you watch the normal rules of pedestrian/vehicle interaction endlessly overturned. It’s a live stream, but obviously different times have different vibes. I’m typing this at midnight on a Sunday and I can hear the quiet woosh of undisturbed traffic (soothing). But whatever time it is, the webcam lets you view the previous days footage.

3 Responses to “A walrus writes…”

  1. Glamorous Glutton
    September 26, 2011 at 11:03 am #

    You’re right the web cam is really addictive!! GG

  2. Sarah
    September 28, 2011 at 9:00 pm #

    Ha, I’m going for a look! Glad to find you (via Ensuite) xx

    • myfriendshouse
      September 28, 2011 at 11:02 pm #

      Are you still looking at it, bewitched? Thanks for the comment – great to see your lovely blog too x

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