the gentlewoman

Without, hopefully, alienating any readers we might have gained during Gents’ Week, today is about bigging up super magazine The Gentlewoman.

That’s issue no 6, currently on the news stand – your correspondent only bought it for the first time last week to make up the newsagent’s minimum card spend of £10. But it’s worth saying, it offers a positive voice from an industry that gives a lot of gushy and trivial. Don’t get me wrong, I love gushy and trivial too…

Also in this mag, words are given almost equal prominence with photography. Somehow, before you know it, you’re reading (even enjoying) a feature about a personal trainer.

The profiles tend to be about under-the-radar types, like Leila McAlister, who runs a grocer’s shop and cafe near Arnold Circus on the Boundary Estate.

Or musician (and David Byrne collaborator) Annie Clarke – AKA St Vincent.

There’s still vox pop, but instead of bossy barometers, there’s a weirdly compelling text-only feature about what people (fashion designers, artists, celebs) keep in their handbags.

I’d like to show Victoria Beckham what this working Mum’s bag looks like.

Gents, there’s a brother title called Fantastic Man that might be worth trying. Otherwise, the gentlewoman, read it and let us know your thoughts.

5 Responses to “the gentlewoman”

  1. Frances
    October 9, 2012 at 10:01 am #

    In another case of weirdly small world, I saw this magazine recently too as Leila’s brother works with me!

    • myfriendshouse
      October 9, 2012 at 7:35 pm #

      Cool – send him our best. Have you been to visit your folks in France yet? What’s the verdict?

      • Frances
        October 10, 2012 at 12:19 pm #

        Yes! We were there last weekend. It’s really amazing, actually. I can’t believe how much they’ve done in less than 12 weeks. You should definitely pop down there – you’ll love the chinz my mother has found and the bed pelmets etc.

  2. rebeccamarilyn
    October 9, 2012 at 12:17 pm #

    Tracy Edwards’ bag sounds very familiar. My bag contains all sorts of potentially vital items, including a tape measure and a spoon.

    • myfriendshouse
      October 10, 2012 at 8:36 am #

      Very few situations don’t require a tape measure. Mine, for a long time, included one too. And a sachet of sugar.

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